Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Insanity - Day 1 - Fit Test

It's been a little over 3 weeks since I last went out for a run and am feeling the physical and emotional consequences.  I am getting ready for a move and have very limited time to go out for runs, so I decided to join my friend Jordana and start the Insanity program. 

Today was my first day.  Day one of the program is a fitness test.  I was going to start yesterday, but I wanted to get prepared for it mentally.  Well, today was only about a 20 minute workout and I don't think ANYTHING could prepare a person for this...AND it's only the fit test...AND it's only 20 minutes.  They definitely named this program appropriately because it definitely is INSANE.  I am confident in saying that I probably got more our of these 20 minutes than if I had gone out for a 40 minute run.

Once I move I will add running into my routine because I'm going to run a half marathon in March with my best friend.  But, to keep me committed to Insanity for the next 60 days I decided to blog and post my personal information (Fit Test results).  That way I'll have all of you to keep my motivated.  I took a before picture and I'm posting that too (even though it's embarrassing). 

MoveFit Test 1
Switch Kicks100
Power Jacks51
Power Knees74
Power Jumps28
Globe Jumps7
Suicide Jumps14
Push-Up Jacks23
Low Plank Oblique30
BMI 23.5
Body Fat %30.8
Right Thigh24.5
Left Thigh25
Right Calf13.5
Left Calf13.5
Right Bicep11
Left Bicep
Right Forearm9.5
Left Forearm9.5

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